Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Differences between Big and Large

According to evident sentences provided by VLC concordancer, both large and big describe extent. However, large is often used to describe quantity; while big is used to describe greatness of something.
For instance, we can find "a large amounts of ~" more often than "a big ammount of ~ ". Meanwhile, we find big used to describe a business, businessman, brother, or chance to show their greatness. This explanation could be reliable because we can hardly find a collocation of "a large brother", "a large businessman" or "a large chance."


  1. I don't quite understand your second rule--big is used to describe greatness of something. Could you be more specific about that, Eva?

  2. When we try to show the importance or maturity, which here I used greatness instead, of something, we use big instead of large.
    For instance, a big brother, a big businessman, a big deal, or a big business.
