Friday, April 23, 2010

ESL Podcast

Podcast number: 572
Podcast name: Blowing the whistle at work


blow the whistle: to tell someone about something that is wrong in your organization or company
ramifications: consequences of your actions, implications
no two ways about it: there’s no doubt, it’s very clear
step up: volunteer to do or come forward
on the line: at risk, in danger, a possibility you could lose something
get out: for secret information to become known by other people
get into trouble: be in a trouble
keep the mouth shut: not to tell anyone
plus: in addition
live with that: to put up with something
to protect our interest: taking care of yourself, to ensure that you won’t get hurt
anonymous: no one knows who you are
don’t count on: don’t reply upon
blow up: to become a major problem
be in knee-deep: heavily involved in something(I’m knee-deep in work)
put my money where my mouth is: to stop talking about something and actually do it
go public: to share information with many people
let the chips fall where they may: to do something even though something bad might be a result of your option/ to do something but not think about the positive or negative consequences of your option
hasty: no to be so rushed, not to do it quickly
sleep on it: to think about something over night
I’ve made up my mind: I decided
are you with me: are you going to help me

This is a conversation bewteen a woman and a man hesitating about exposing something bad at their company.
The speed of this clip is very slow to catch what the speakers are saying; but, since there are many phrases, it would be a little hard to understand the whold conversation if listeners don't know the phrases.
For me, there are some unfamiliar phrases, such as "blow the whistle", "be in knee-deep", and "put my money where my mouth is." Although the both the speed of the conversation and the lecture is quite slow for advanced learners, the content is still worth to study.

1 comment:

  1. Agree. We, as advanced learners, could still benefit from the information provided by this site.
